If you believe there is a Committee of 300, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe Queen Elizabeth II is the head of the Committee of 300, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe Queen Latifah is the head of the Committee of 300, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe that Theodor Adorno wrote all of the Beatles' hit songs, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe that Kurt Lewin wrote all of the Rolling Stones' hit songs, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe that Dr. John Coleman wrote all of the Village People's hit songs, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe George W. Bush was Tony Blair's poodle, rather than vice versa, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe the British monarchy is descended from the pharaohs, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe George Washington was a 33rd-degree Mason, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe most of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were Masons, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe most of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were clergymen, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe the Global Elite is planning to kill off 80-90% of the world's poplation, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe JFK was assassinated because he gave a speech warning against secret societies, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe the Nazis literally won World War II, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe Otto Skorzeny was a Holocaust mastermind, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe the Nazis used fluoride on concetraton camp prisoners to keep them under control, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe Adolf Hitler's book, "Mein Kampf," spelled out a blueprint for world conquest,
you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe UN troops are one block away from where you live in the US and are coming right now to grab your guns, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe Alex Jones is accomplishing anything more than entertaining you when he has himself filmed or videotaped shouting defiantly at Bilderberg meeting attendees through a bullhorn, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believed that Ron Paul was going to win the 2008 presidential election, you were (probably) deluded.
If you believed Hillary Clinton was sure to win the 2008 presidential election because she was David Rockefeller's choice, you were (probably) deluded.
If you believe it can be shown by check stubs that Prussian philosopher Hegel was in the pay of Austrian Minister of State Metternich, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe the tribes of Manasseh and Dan joined forces to become the Macedonians, Macedanians, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe the tribes of Manasseh, Gad and Issachar joined forces to become the Madagascarians, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe Jesus really lived at th time of Moses, you. are (probably) deluded.
If you believe I killed your Jewish relatives in Europe during the Holocaust and I am now claiming they died from typhus to try to deny my guilt, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe Ronald Reagan, as governor of California, balanced that state's budget by cutting taxes, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe Ronald Reagan, as president, showed that deficits don't matter, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe George W. Bush restored honor and integrity to the White House, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe the Bush II Administration invaded Iraq because they sincerely morally disapproved of dictators who torture and kill people, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe FDR sincerely hated war, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe Saddam Hussein's WMD were moved to Syria, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe you can't negotiate with terrorists, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe Arabs own Hollywood, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe Rupert Murdoch is a Jew, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe Ahmedinejad, president of Iran, has threatened o wipe Israel off the map, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty was accidental, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe John McCain is an expert on history, war, foreign policy, etc., You are (probably) deluded.
If you believe that in war there are only teo possibilities, defeat or victory, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe isolationiam led to World War Two and, therefore, isolationiam is absolutely, universally wrong, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe Barack Obama is the Antichrist, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe Barack Obama is the Messiah, you are (probably) deluded.
Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
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I think it's plausible that the British generally and the royals more specifically can trace their ancestry back to the pharaohs for the reason given here.
I had believed that Washington and a number of other founding fathers were Masons. I didn't have any definite beliefs about their degree though.
I think it's the Zweites Buch that discusses an eventual war between the Anglo-German Empire and the U.S for world domination, but as I've argued elsewhere it's fairly irrelevant as Hitler thought that wouldn't occur for about a century.
I think the attack on the Liberty was accidental. I just don't see the motive for intentionally attacking an allied ship. Shits happens in war (I think we've accidentally bombed the Canadians several times in Afghanistan).
TGGP: OK, maybe British monarch, like many millions of other people, can trace their ancestry (partially) back to the pharaohs. But I suspect that the conspiracy nuts responsible for the CD "Ring of Power" are trying to suggest something more than just that mundane point, especially since they go on to assert that British monarchs, like the pharaohs, have commonly practiced incest.
Yes, Washington (and some other Founders) were Masons. But to judge from what I've read, Washington wasn't that much involved and wasn't 33rd-degree, as claimed by "Ring of Power." (According to Steven Bullock's book about the Masons, "Revolutionary Brotherhood,' Daniel Shays, of
Shays' Rebellion, was a Mason.)
I haven't read the Zweites Buch, and I don't recall it being lied about in anti-Nazi war propaganda the way "Mein Kampf" has been.
Regarding the USS Liberty: First, I don't agree that Israel is our ally, no matter how many media and political whores tell us it is. If Israel is our ally, why aren't there any Israeli troops in Afghanistan getting accidentally bombed by us like the Canucks? Have you read James Ennes' book "Assault on the Liberty"? Ennes was an officer on the ship during the attack. The way he describes the circumstances makes it difficult to believe that the Israelis didn't know who they were attacking. As for the motive, there are various theories, but the Liberty was an intelligence ship and the Israeli migh not have wanted their "ally" to monitor their communications. On the subject of Israel being our "ally," I forgot to mention the Lavon Affair up above. It was a political scandal in Israel resulting from an Israeli plot in Egypt that went awry. The plot involved Egyptian Jews working for Israel firebombing British and American buildings in Cairo with the intent of blaming it on Arab terrorists. The Israelis felt that Britain and the US were getting too friendly with Nasser. A detailed account of this is in "Decline of Honor" by Avri El-Ad.
Anyway, thanks for the feedback.
Anyway, thanks for the feedback.
Maybe Israel doesn't do jack for us (I think Walt & Mearsheimer were pretty accurate on that point). But we do a lot of stuff for them, and were doing so at the time of the Liberty incident. Did the Liberty actually pick up any potentially damaging communications? I haven't read any books about the Liberty.
I hadn't heard of the Lavon affair before. Interesting. I'm still generally dismissive of conspiracy theories involving "false flag" operations. I came across the judicial-inc.biz website via VDARE and they constantly go on about that for everything. Also "Sayanim", which there are apparently enough of to dedicate to monitoring to every individual gentile.
TGGP: Offhand, I don't know if the Liberty actually did pick up important Israeli communications. (Of course, if it didn't, that might have been because the attack put it out of commission before it could.) It's been a long time since I read the James Ennes book. I don't recall what, if anything, he said about that. Yesterday, I started to read an interview with Ennes on whatreallyhappened.com, but got interrupted and didn't finish it. I don't know if he addresses that question in the interview. James Bamford, who wrote "The Puzzle Palace," about the NSA, did a followup book, "Body of Secrets," which has a chapter on the Liberty attack. I haven't read it, so I don't know what it contains. But looking at the Internet yesterday, I saw stuff in which Bamford says Israeli troops were killing Egyptian prisoners and suggests the Liberty attack might have been meant to cover that up. The Lavon Affair was a public scandal in Israel in the 50s and 60s. The failed plot that led to it was well-known in Israel, if not in this country, long before the 9/11 Truth movement, so it's not guilty by association. Another source is a chapter in Richard Deacon's book, "The Israeli Secret Service," published years ago.
TGGP: To judge from some stuff I've looked at lately on the Internat, stuff by Israeli writers, the Lavon Affair scandal might not have been as public a matter as I thought. But as far as I know, no one denies that the scandal or the plot that led to it actually happened.
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