Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Are You (Probably) Deluded?

If you believe that Israel is going to disarm any time soon (because of some false promises by the Antichrist), you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe the European Union constitutes a revived Roman empire, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe the curse on the serpent in Genesis 3: 14-15 is a prophecy of Jesus' defeat of Satan and you believe you are a Biblical literalist, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe the U.S. Constitution created a government based on the absolute laws of the Bible, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe George W. Bush never lied as president because you believe he is a Christian and a lying Christian is impossible, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe the Bible is the literal and inerrant word of an all-knowing God, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe the Koran is the literal and inerrant word of an all-knowing Allah, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe Atlas Shrugged is the literal and inerrant word of an all-knowing Ayn Rand, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe Atlas Shrgged was Ayn Rand's blueprint for the New World Order, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe that the present time in history is the first time that many people have run to and fro and knowledge has been increased (Daniel 12: 4), you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe Moses and Thutmosis must have been the same person because of their similar names, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe Moses and Ahmosis must have been the same person because of their similar names, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe RuPaul and Ron Paul must be the same person because of their similar names, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe Dr. John Coleman, British-born conspiracy nut, and John S. Coleman, alleged by Gary Allen to be an American member of the Bilderberg Advisory Committee, must be the same person because of their similar names, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe that success for the "Holocaust denial" movement might lead to a slavery denial movement, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe that what you are doing at midnight on New Year's Eve is what you're going to be doing the rest of the following year, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believe the Screaming Egos make better music than the Blazing Bozos, you are (probably) deluded.
If you believed that Y2K was going to lead to a cashless society, you were (probably) deluded.


MetaTron said...

You should change the title to mumblings of a madman...

A few points if you can call them that, profess simple name association as to prove or disprove the question or remark.The evidence has almost nothing to do with the names actually but the titles,positions of actual known historical figures that were real.

Philosopher- (Cynics)- In the fourth century a philosopher named Diogenes founded a school of philosophers known as the Cynics. They had no respect for rules and regulations of society and lived very simply. Diogenes lived this philosophy to the extreme, at one stage using a large storage jar as his home.

If you believe that success for the "Holocaust denial" movement might lead to a slavery denial movement, you are (probably) deluded.

Holocaust denial has never had any success unless you mean the IHR paying Mermelstein cash.

The Bible is just a historical record.The God who guided the IsRaELites out of Egypt was a General or Pharaoh maybe a God to them.

GOD DID NOT WRITE THE BIBLE- Only You and EvanGelical's think or say that.I think the expression is two peas in a pod.

la.rollins said...

MetaTron: Huh? I don't think God wrote the Bible.

la.rollins said...

MetaTron: In their book "Denying History," in which they claim to thoroughly refute Holocaust revisionism, Michael Shermer and Alex Grobman give as a reason for the importance of their work the possibility that the success of the "Holocaust denial" movement might lead to a slavery denial movement.

MetaTron said...

IsRaElites - a self admitted warrior tribe of vagabonds.If they can't cheat you out of it on paper they will do so by force.

IsRaEl - the Old Testament of the Bible is an attempt to tell mostly the truth about their history of migration,murder,theft & ever popular God given eternal land rights(squatters) and disguise it under religion.Really smart simple plan.

To see it for what it is a historical set of documents.
Proof of actual atrocities by those committing said atrocities.

The Constitution actually did not create anything. People willing to defend and die for rights/beliefs they created the USA with some help from others as well.

MetaTron said...

they in their book say, nonsense.
Homosexuals and Jews(Yahweh's Warrior's) also say how their struggle is related to the blacks and slavery, that is simply BS.

The holocaust story needs a good editing.The goal is correct just the means and manner in which it is carried out is in question.

Armando R. Gonzalez said...

if you buy everything L.A. Rollins is are probably on drugs.

Anonymous said...

I was the first person in Europe to buy Rollins's new edition of Myth of Natural Rights, and I don't think I'm deluded. Good to see you're blogging, L.A., although isn't blogging a tiresome thing?

Anyway, I think Alex Jones (notthe same person as Aled Jones, the English pop-singing quoir boy) gets his Bilderberg stuff from Bilderberg bandwagon-jumper Daniel Estulin, who - I think - places some store in that so-called "Committee of 300." . . . How did a dumb old prick like "Dr." John Coleman crack that conspiracy wide open? Alex Jones is occasionally brilliant, but I can't shake the overwhelming feeling that he's - as you say - an entertainer. His broadcast reactions during the 9/11 events (available on YouTube) were quite the most embarrassing theatrics.

A guy who really did know a thing or two was British war hero and investigative journalist A.K. Chesterton. His book The New Unhappy Lords remains a classic.