Thursday, February 5, 2009

Lucider' Lexicon

Discrete, adj. Sneaky in a classy way.

Soviet Russia, n. Formerly, the future--but it didn't work.

War Criminal, n. One who does not abide by the rules for properly conducting mass slaughter.


TGGP said...

It shows how much of a nerd I am that when I saw "discrete" the first word that popped into my head was "math".

la.rollins said...

TGGP: I certainly wouldn't have thought of that, if only because I had never heard of discrete math--until now. I wonder if it's part of what they used to call the New Math, which they started teaching in the late 60s or early 70s, after I'd finished studying math. Or might it be some high-level type of math that I never got around to (and never heard of)? Or....