Friday, February 6, 2009

Lucifer's Lexicon

Amicus Curiae, n. A friend of the court, and therefore an enemy of the people.

Anti-Racism, n. A prejudice more acceptable than others.

Serf, n. A Euro-peon.

World War II, n. The six-year period, 1939-1945, during which 60 million people died for Danzig.


la.rollins said...

TGGP: "Who is this 'the people'?"
Huh? I'm not sure I understand the question, since I didn't use the expression, "the people."

TGGP said...

"enemy of the people". "We, the people" talk irritates me. Who is this "we", paleface?

la.rollins said...

TGGP: Oh, THAT "the people." Now I remember. Now I understand the question. Who is "the people"? I don't know, exactly. I guess maybe "the people" is a spook I decided to use for the sake of an anti-court and thereby anti-government joke.

Anyway, who are you calling "paleface," paleface? My face might not be quite as pale as you might be assuming.