Monday, January 26, 2009

Lucifer's Lexicon

ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE, n. A group of bloodhounds smelling after "anti-Semitism." As George Orwell once wrote (in a letter to a friend), "Some people go around smelling after anti-Semitism all the time. There is more rubbish written about this subject than any other I know of."

DUMPSTER DIVING, n. Discardianism. For more information, see the book, "Principia Discardia, or How I Found the Goodies and What I Did With Them After I Found Them."

GREAT GAME, THE, n. One part of a greater game, in which some people, the people who read William Guy Carr, are merely pawns. As for Carr, I believe he was a rook.

GULLIBLE, adj. Willing to believe what I am not, and not willing to believe what I am.

NEW HITLER, THE, n. The new target of warmongers.

POPULISTS, n. pl. People who are for the people who are for the people, and against the people who are against the people.

SACRED COW, n. A bovine deemed divine.

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